Beluga is a very early variety that adapts well to any type of soil and can be sown as the first late crop and second crop after barley and wheat. In the final phase it ripens very quickly and in a short time it defoliates thus rapidly losing moisture.
Earliness: 8/9
Number of days until flowering: 52 *
Number of days until harvest: 131 *
* these days may vary depending on the latitude of the countries, the climatic conditions and the sowing date. Genetic yield potential: over 5 tons
High protein content: 41-44% *
Oil content: 19-22% *
Plant density (recommended): 440,000-480,000 plants per hectare
*this data may vary according to the fertility of the soil and the sowing date
Excellent resistance to lodging (9/9)
Disease resistance: 8/9
Good resistance to diseases, especially powdery mildew (8/9)
High resistance to pod dehiscence
Big bag 500 kg
Bag 22.7 kg
This variety of soybean is inoculated with RIZOSOIA EVO (Bradyrhizobium japonicum)